[Avodah] Zechor/zachar

kennethgmiller at juno.com kennethgmiller at juno.com
Fri Mar 18 03:50:05 PDT 2011

R' Eliyahu Grossman wrote:

> However, we do not have a tradition to read any of those pasukim
> 2 times, with one time being a correct reading according to the
> Masoretic (concerning pronunciation) and then incorrectly,
> without anyone in the shul correcting the reader, with one
> exception, this week's reading of ZECHOR (which is also named
> properly).

First, my understanding is that most shuls read it the "incorrect" way first, and then they "correct" it.

Second, don't most shuls do this (or something very much like it) twice during Megillas Esther?

8:11 is read with "laharog" and then "v'laharog"
9:2 is read "bifnayhem" and then "lifnayhem"

I find it noteworthy that (just like zaycher/zecher) neither of these variants is noted in the "kri/ksiv" section of any Chumash I've seen, and I've wondered if their origin is in the same time/place as that of zaycher/zecher.

Akiva Miller

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