[Avodah] mitzva for a goy

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Mon Mar 14 11:53:29 PDT 2011

On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 10:32:20AM +0200, Eli Turkel wrote:
: from the same shiur with regard to an old discussion on timtum ha-lev the
: Netziv and Mesech Chochma claim that if one eats a nevela to save one's
: life there is still timtum halev. Therefore they explain the preference
: to slaughter an animal on shabbat to save a person rather than feed them
: nonkosher food. Thus, timtum halev is a more physical effect rather than
: purely halachic

Do you have a mar'eh maqom for the MC? I used Bar Ilan to search the
Or Sameiach and Meshekh Chokhmah for the phrases "timtum haleiv" and
"metamteim es haleiv" and couldn't find either.

See http://www.aishdas.org/avodah/vol15/v15n062.shtml#07 (Jul 2005)
where RSMashbaum wrote:
> R. Asher Weiss in Michat Asher - Vayikra - Parshat Shmini has an
> interesting chakira on kashrut and timtum halev: What is the cause, and
> what is the result? Is food non-kosher because it induces timtum halev,
> or does timtum halev derive from the non-kosher nature of the food? Did
> the Torah forbid certain foods because it knew that they have deleterious
> spiritual effects, or are the foods essentially spiritually neutral,
> but the aveira of eating them causes them to have a negative spiritual
> effect on the person? He cites a Ramban and a Maharal regarding this
> chakira. Ayen Sham

> The nakfa mina is clear: what if one ate non-kosher food permissibly,
> because of pikuach nefesh? If it is the food itself because of its
> essential nature which causes timtum halev, this would presumably be
> true even b'oness. If it is the aveira which causes the timtum, then if
> the food is consumed b'heter, no timtum would result. RAW cites several
> sources that indicate that non-kosher food has a negative effect even
> if consumed permissibly, supporting one side of his chakira. .(R. Asher
> cites the Rama inYoreh Deah 81:7 quoted by Yitzchok Brandriss)

RBKaufman wrote later in that discussion
> R. Raphael Moshe Luria in his sefer Beis Ginzi (Parshas Vayikra),
> cites the Zohar and the Ohr HaChaim that say that eating non-kosher
> food is almost impossible to gain a kapara for, unlike almost any other
> aveira. This is because the cheftza shel issur remains part of the body
> until death.

> To me this seems to imply that the food itself is metamtem.
> hmmm... OTOH maybe it is the issur that gives the food this quality. Now
> I'm not sure.

RMF wrote <http://www.aishdas.org/avodah/vol15/v15n040.shtml#01>:
> In fact, in my Bar Ilan CD search I found that Mishne Halachos 16:137
> specifically states that even where something is muttar to eat because
> of bittul b'rov, nevertheless, one may be machmir not to eat it because
> of timtum ha'lev.....

To which R Meir Rabi wrote:
> Upon reflection of Moshe's observations, note the Beney Yisaschar
> [Adar MaAmar 2-7] who suggests (and draws same conclusion from Shelo"Hk)
> that it is preferable [Mitzvah Hoo BeDavKeh] to consume the food that
> contains acceptable levels of non kosher food.

Kayadua from numerous thread about this and about whether the cheftza
of mezuzah provides shemirah beyond the mitzvah's sechar, I have serious
philosophical problems with one tzad of this chiluq.

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger             "As long as the candle is still burning,
micha at aishdas.org        it is still possible to accomplish and to
http://www.aishdas.org   mend."
Fax: (270) 514-1507          - Anonymous shoemaker to R' Yisrael Salanter

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