[Avodah] Davening Sefer Korbanos

Eliyahu Grossman Eliyahu at KosherJudaism.com
Sun Mar 13 23:20:55 PDT 2011

The issue between the Ramban and the Rambam (and others, like the Ramchal
weigh in, taking sides as well, "proving" one side as being wrong) is an
interesting one. But they both address an activity that would bring one
close (q'rov) to HQBH. An example of this is an asham, where if one was
shogeg concerning the forbidden use of something holy, he brings a qorban,
while if one did the transgression intentionally, he does not have that
facility to come close made available to him. It was an important function. 

But that was a different time. I have a feeling that the form of the qorban
may differ with the 3rd temple. 

An example: 4 years ago, I went to this hillside with a good sized group
that brought a sheep. This hillside overlooked the Temple Mount. The person
leading this is a bit radical in various areas (he is called the "Kitniyot
Rabbi" in these parts), and I am certain that if we were even allowed on the
Temple Mount, he would have gone there! I was interested in seeing the
process, not in actually buying a korban pesach for my seder like some were
(it's not my minhag to eat lamb on Pesach, although I do know of some who
eat it). 

All went according to the procedure, and the mood was great, until the blade
went and sliced, the blood poured, and the creature went fully limp. At that
point almost everyone there said in unison "EEEeeeewwwwwwwww..." (More than
one person changed to a pale green ("Ah, THAT is the color Rashi assigned to
techelit!") and turned away).

It was very educational.

So much for q'rov being in the term "qorban"! Either our emotional makeup
will have to transform, or the methodology will. 

Right now, I sure cannot stomach it! (I prefer to see my food in a form that
doesn't resemble it in real life!). But, still, I look forward to the day
when we can do it, whatever we do, at the beit hamikdash! 

Eliyahu Grossman
Efrat, Israel

>---------- Original Post ----------<
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2011 09:57:39 -0400
From: Micha Berger <micha at aishdas.org>
Subject: Re: [Avodah] Davening Sefer Korbanos

On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 12:37:35AM -0500, Zev Sero wrote:
> Akimas sefosov havei maaseh.  When it's possible to bring korbonos, this
> is obviously insufficient, but when we have no choice, this will have to
> do.

I fail to see how this relates to the Ramban. According to the Ramban,
the only point of qorbanos is to do an action beyond speech. Dibbur
is already covered by vidui. How does it suffice for anything? Why not
argue that qorban, when impossible, is simply that -- impossible?

Tir'u baTov!

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