[Avodah] Boreh Minei Bessamim: Stop And Smell The Flowers

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Wed Mar 9 07:37:19 PST 2011

On 9/03/2011 6:08 AM, Micha Berger wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 08, 2011 at 09:00:34AM +1100, Isaac Balbin wrote:
> : Are you implying that there is only Hano-oh if it has a nice smell
> : but if that smell also makes me feel better I don't have Hano-oh?
> I was under the impression that if I take something for the purpose of
> refu'ah but happen to also enjoy the taste, I do not make a berakhah.

Not so.  So long as you enjoy it you have to make a bracha.  Ditto for
a choleh who has to eat on Yom Kippur, or one who has to eat treif; so
long as there is physical enjoyment they have to make a bracha.  The
fact that it also heals him or keeps him alive is yet another reason
to thank Hashem for creating it and making it available to him.

There's a machlokes about someone who is forced at gunpoint to eat: on
one hand the food is physically enjoyable, but OTOH at this moment he
has no desire for it at all and would rather it didn't exist, so how
can he thank Hashem for creating it?

(OC 204:8-9)

Zev Sero                      The trouble with socialism is that you
zev at sero.name                 eventually run out of other people’s money
                                                      - Margaret Thatcher

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