[Avodah] yes we did kill him

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Wed Feb 2 07:19:51 PST 2011

On 2/02/2011 5:46 AM, Aryeh Herzig wrote:

>> But the thesis that a person can be both a "nevi sheker" *and* a true
>> prophet at the same time, IOW that Hashem might actually reveal Himself
>> to someone and give him a false nevuah in order to test us, is
>> disturbing.

> Sorry to disturb you, Zev, but open up to Melachim I 18   13-23
> I have always struggled to understand these Pessukim.
> The story what ChaZa"L call the Spirit of Navoth.
> It wasn't a test.
> Nevertheless, it was a prophecy initiated by HKBH, yet a false one.

I have no problem understanding that one, any more than I do with Hashem
hardening Par`oh's heart, or Hashem's disastrous messages in the battle
of Ai, and in the civil war with Binyamin.  The nevuah was "true", it
just wasn't good.  Hashem wanted us to fight those battles, and to lose.
What's different here is the idea that Hashem would send a true prophet
with a message that He *doesn't* want us to accept.  What is the navi
himself supposed to think?  Is he supposed to listen to his own nevu'ah?
Surely not.  He's commanded "lo tishma" just as we are.  So how can he
relay it to us?

Zev Sero                      The trouble with socialism is that you
zev at sero.name                 eventually run out of other people’s money
                                                      - Margaret Thatcher

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