[Avodah] There was no mechitzah at the Kotel

Moshe Y. Gluck mgluck at gmail.com
Wed Jan 19 22:08:55 PST 2011

R' Joel Rich:
Raises an interesting (to me) question - we know there is an "inyan" of
davening in a shul, even byichidut, versus davening elsewhere.(sidepoint
-IIRC R'HS has said that a mechitza is required for a minyan (or makom)
kavua, but not strictly required for an arai minyan)  What would the shikul
hadaat be for davening in a shul alone  where the moveable mechitza is not
up and there is a woman in the back far corner of the room, properly dressed
and reading a tanach  vs. davening at home alone?

Even with a minyan, it should be ok to daven in a shul under these
circumstances - see Igros Moshe, Orach Chaim 5, 12:2. 


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