[Avodah] The Origin of Novhardok's Nigun for "Be'ikvos Avoseinu"

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Thu Mar 10 11:49:34 PST 2011

On Tue, Mar 08, 2011 at 11:13:58AM -0800, Saul.Z.Newman at kp.org wrote to
: http://onegshabbat.blogspot.com/2011/03/blog-post_06.html     navardok 
: borrowed their niggun.....

Knowing a little about their derekh, I would think that the borrowing
of martial music was intentional.

The Alter of N would often use military terminology, taking "HAKOVEISH
es yitzro" quite literally. "One must storm the fortress!" with loud
song and passionate hispaalus.

The whole end of their practice which led people to associate N with
qatnus haadam (mostly in contrast to Slabodka's gadlus ha'adam) is more
like Boot Camp. The bachur was torn down in order to be rebuilt stronger.

A centerpiece of N is to build such a baal bitachon, he wouldn't be
tempted by the allure of the Isms (Communism, Secular Zionism, etc...)
that were pulling bachurim away from shemiras hamitzvos in those days.

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger             It's never too late
micha at aishdas.org        to become the person
http://www.aishdas.org   you might have been.
Fax: (270) 514-1507                      - George Elliot

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