[Avodah] Feeding Your Baby In A Bathroom?

Prof. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Wed Mar 2 05:04:06 PST 2011

 From http://revach.net/article.php?id=3224

V'Darashta VChakarta: Feeding Your Baby In A Bathroom?

Rav Aharon Yehuda HaLevi Grossman was asked (V'Darashta VChakarta 
4:42:7) if it is proper for nursing mother's who bring their infants 
to weddings to nurse them in the bathroom, for the sake of tznius?

The issur to bring food into a bathroom is not brought down anywhere 
in the gemara or poskim.  In fact the Ohr L'Tziyon even says that the 
Ruach Ra in the bathroom is only in the toilet itself and not in the 
whole room.  The mekor for not bringing food into the bathroom is 
from the Be'er Heitev (OC 3:2:2) who says that you may not speak 
while in the bathroom and certainly nor eat.  However in this case, 
says Rav Grossman, there are four reasons to be Meikel.

First, the infant is too young for chinuch to apply.  Second, the 
food does not go through the bathroom, as it goes straight from the 
mother to the baby. Third, our bathrooms our not like the bathrooms 
discussed in halacha, since the system we use keeps them clean from 
unclean things.  Last, because of the need for tznius there is reason 
to be lenient.

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