[Avodah] tefillin at mincha

rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Tue Sep 22 09:07:25 PDT 2009

> Yesterday on Tzom Gedalia at mincha I noticed several people in shul
> wearing tefillin
> (at least one Rav I had seen in the morning)

> Why don't we wear tefillin at Mincha?
> Eli Turkel

Begs another question: why do they wear tefillin at mincah ONLY on
taanis tzibbur!

Here is my take. Once we eat, we are chosheish more for guf naqi,
because of digestion, etc.

This cheshash is NOT there during taanis tzibbur. No food to cause "gas"

Question except for 9 Av, why did this not catch on in Ashkenaz?

A: AISI ashkenazim davened mincha on taanis Tzibbur VERY late in the day -
in order to emulate Neilah. Perhaps the lateness of the hour discouraged
Tefillin on a Taanis Tzibbur in those communities.

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