[Avodah] lo plug

rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Tue Aug 25 11:18:12 PDT 2009

Eli Turkel:
> It says megilla is not read on shabbat because ketivin are not read on
> shabbat.

WADR I claim that this is a misleading statement

The gzeira is already deduced from the MISHNA itself because - when
analyzed - in no scenario is Megillah EVER read on Shabbos!

And Given that there is no name in the Mishnah attached to these g'zeiros,
they were either

1 old enough to predate hurban
2 were uncontested - absent any tannaic material otherwise.

As such the g'zeira is axiomatic - it is only the rationale that is
being given by the Gmara!

Same for not dancing-clapping-slapping on YT. The mishnah contains the
issur, the Gmara offers tiqqun maneh as the rationale for that g'zeira.

Thus the Gmara is NOT issuing g'zeiros - rather amoraim are offering the
rationales and/or the parameters. This is highly analogous to Tosafos
expounding on Shas itself!

There are named g'zeiros!

The issue of issur Hametz before Hatzos erev Pesach is debated by R Meir
(1 hour) and R. Yehuda (2 hours for eating)

It seems likely - and is ee it this way - that 1 hour was an widely
accepted [axiomatic] g'zeira and only the 2nd hour was disputed and was
construed as a separate G'zeira by the Tanna R. Yehuda "atu yom Ham'unan"
As I have mentioned in the past - the ta'am for this 2nd hour is bateil
beyameinu - unless one uses a sundial for telling time.

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