[Avodah] Kashrus of a Restaurant Under the Supervision of its Owner

Michael Makovi mikewinddale at gmail.com
Thu Aug 13 14:55:53 PDT 2009

>> Isn't everyone's own kitchen table under their own supervision?
>> Michael Makovi

> Doesn't this depend on who in the home does the shopping and that standards
> that he or she uses when shopping.  If the wife does the shopping and the
> cooking, how many men can tell you what products actually come into the
> home?
> R' Yitzchok Levine

I guess one has to trust his wife!

As for the two following stories:
--- Presumably, this gadol also knew that his friend knew hilkhot
kashrut. I should have said G-d fearing AND learned, instead of only
saying G-d fearing. The point is, this gadol trusted his friend to be
punctilious and faithful and accurate in keeping the laws of kashrut,
and saw no need to actually investigate the premises himself. I'll
have to ask my rabbi which gadol this was.
--- As for the wedding and Rabbi Henkin, I assume the hatan and kallah
got a caterer with a reputable hekhsher. I think the point is that
just as you will eat in a frum Jew's home without looking for a
hekhsher, so too you can eat at a frum Jew's wedding without looking
for the hekhsher.

Michael Makovi

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