[Avodah] tisha baav as a moed

rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Fri Jul 31 14:12:39 PDT 2009

[Some] Sephardim do wear Tefillin on 9 Av shacharis

Given Aveilim may come to shul 9 av morning.  We sit low.
The ashkenazic Hiddush is merely to treat the morning as the FIRST day
of shiva where pe'er is assur - hence no tefillin.

Once the afternoon starts - no more shiva re: sitting low so we add the
Tefillin back.

That is the main reason for early mincha - in order to put on tefillin
ASAP (source: early LOR)

The minhag to daven mincha very late on 9 Av stems from emulating n'ilah.


Regarding mechezei keshiqra I have a post in preparation on this.

I don't have all mareh meqomos ready but see the Tur re: repeating Shema
with Tefillin derabbeinu Tam and see MB re: NOT repeating Shema when
putting them on for mincha.

IIRC the Arizal said shema with tefillin privately at home before going
to shul.

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