[Avodah] Tzeni'us and gender roles

rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 15:37:46 PDT 2009

Regarding Capitalism, when it compromises Torah ideals it's not Kosher

Several years ago I BH taught a course on Ethical and Compassionate
Jewish Management. It centred on Sefer Hachinuch as a text

Mitzvos such as how to not abuse a lowly eved (kol shekein a po'el)
Lo salin p'ulas sachir
Byomo titein s'charo
Lo sachsom
V'achalto anovim knafshecha
Issur Rechilus
Mitzvas hochacah
B'tzedek tishpot amisecha
(Iow don't reem out an employe until one is certain of the facts)
Emulate HKBH (as a leader too)
Ona'as devorim

(I also used En Yaakov, Avos and ADRN)

While an enlightened capitalist MIGHT choose a compassionate and ethical
management style - or might not -
A torah true Jew MUST!


So Capitalism or Zionism are not assur per se,
They just cannot dillute or compromise Torah.

I guess under a Torah system they indeed may have their place (lakkol zman)

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