[Avodah] learning kinnot

rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 11:16:04 PDT 2009

> A friend complained that one should not learn even kinnot on tisha baav
> they are meant to be said even if not understood.
> Intellectualing them violates limud torah on tisha baav

I can see the point because an avel may learn hilchos aveilus but not

However, I attended RYDS' Maimonides 9 av qinnos thrice.

I seem to recall the Rav not over-intellecutalizing but rather expounding
and was well within the parameters of understanding the dynamics of the
day and of the qinnos

He went thru one Qinna (sorry I forgot which one!) showing references
to every "miqdash" including iirc ohel sarah v'avraham, mishkan shiloh
etc. And describing each hurban

Such expounding for me intensified and expanded the aveilus beyond the
twin batei miqdash towards a more global understanding of what we have
lost over the milennia especially in the way of holy sanctuaries.

Now READING those same lectures may lack the "gefeel" of hearing them
from the Rav. The Rav was - as I saw him - more touchy-feely in person
than on tape or written page


That said, my first trip had the joyous satisfaction of making the time
go by a bit quuicker and the hana'ah of a sense of accomplishment -
like a "gevaldige" yom iyyun. So I guess it DID damper the suffering
to an extent.

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