[Avodah] learning kinnot

David Riceman driceman at att.net
Tue Jul 28 10:26:19 PDT 2009

Eli Turkel wrote:
> RYBS used to give discussions on the kinnot all tisha baav which is the
> basis of the recent book
> A friend complained that one should not learn even kinnot on tisha baav
> they are meant to be said even if not understood.
> Intellectualing them violates limud torah on tisha baav
> any opinions?
I don't know if I'll have time to look up sources before TB, so take all 
this with a IIRC attached.  There is a relevant machlokes haposkim in 
hilchos aveilus.  The Aruch haShulhan cites and rejects an opinion 
prohibiting deep study and writing down hiddushim during shiva on the 
grounds that ein lcha davar ha'aved gadol mizo.  The opinion he rejects 
argues that study in depth, even of depressing topics, is not 
depressing, and therefore is not included in the heter.  AFAIK the 
opinion rejected by the AhS is nowhere practiced.

In the case of kinnos, however, even understanding the words was very 
difficult before the advent of modern commentaries and translation.  I 
was never at Maimonides for kinnos, but for selichos we used those 
inexpensive paperback pamphlets with no explanations.  If something 
similar was used for kinnos I would have thought that basic explanation 
would add to the agmas nefesh, and was desireable according to both 

David Riceman

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