[Avodah] Re A 9 Days Shower - The Navy to the Rescue?

rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Fri Jul 24 11:36:19 PDT 2009

Plz post

"Are you suggesting that the same rules apply during the nine days as on TB and YK? Are you suggesting the for the whole nine days we should wash negel vasser only to the knuckles?"

No I am not! 

Think of dechuya.

 I am saying the svara is parallel and therefore  when faced with the need to wash when washing has been restricted, we do the minimum.

Think of RHS and tzenius. When the value of tzenius needs to be violated for the public welfare we are to violate it minimally.

When a person breaks a fast on a fast day does he eat steak and fries? Or does he indulge in minimal han'ah just to preserve one's health?
Even if the fast is a minhag (EG Taanis Esther of Taanis Bechoros)

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