[Avodah] Lo Ra'inu Eino Raya ==> Blanket Heter

rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Tue Jul 21 16:27:45 PDT 2009

> I agree that if one takes an activity which Shas doesn't prohibit,
> and then he prohibits it, that is against Shas. However, if one takes
> an activity which Shas *doesn't* prohibit, and he recommends avoiding
> that activity, that is NOT against Shas....
> For example, to the best of my knowledge, nowhere in Shas does it say,
> or even suggest, that it is assur to get married today... Yet it
> certainly is avoided...
> But referring to this avoidance as an issur does confuse people, and I
> think it is wrong, and probably counts as the "disputing Shas" that RRW
> asks about.

Correct me if necessary but as I understand you:

No halachic issur can be issued after Shas
    a minhag or
    a gezeira
    a hanhagah or
    a harchaka or
    a policy
MAY be enacted after shas. Correct?

If so you can explain the Agur/Rema/Shach vs. BY
BY is correct WRT the Halachah
But Rema-Shach can still keep women from shechita as a matter of "policy".

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