[Avodah] YT Sheini Shell Golah and the Internet

rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Thu Sep 10 15:14:40 PDT 2009

> in Beitza 4b.  "Sometimes the government might make a decree, and
> you will come to get confused", i.e. if Torah is suppressed everyone
> who is capable of doing his own calculations will have to do so, and
> someone might make a mistake.

This begs the question:

Why can't a mistake be made in EY itself?
And therefore why not 2 days there?

Not that the above quote is inaccurate, it's simply not the complete story.

> There is a machlokes rishonim whether the second day of yom yov is aminhag
> or a real din d'rabanan. If the latter, then according to thisRambam it
> cannot be repealed, and will apply even after moshiach

Lav davka
The p'saq afaik was predicated upon Hillel II's calculations. When that
system goes away so might the gzeira.

[Aside from the fact that a new Sanhedrin may not be bound by any
precedent anymore, just core TSBK and TSBP. All post-Sinai legislation,
p'saq, etc. could be subject to review.]


> Where the Rambam got this idea from is a very good question.

AIUI Pashut: Here are several apporaches

Was the psaq to keep minhag avoseichem bideichem
+ A an official approval to continue a minhag
+ B an official p'saq -- but having the properties of the pre-exisitng Minhag
+ C an official p'saq -- but having the properties of a brand new derabbanan

The Rambam chose C


See the machlokes Rashi and Rambam in the last mishnah of pereq gid hanaseh
re: the development of mitzvos - IOW Taryag

Rambam: 613 in 1 fell swoop @ Sinai. Any Earlier mitzvos were repealed
and re-issued anew. IOW abrupt break with the past.

Rashi: Mitzvos were in the process of being accumulated before Sinai -
and many were kept as is.

The Rambam's C matches his thinking that an act of Beis Din starts a brand
new era

Most Ashkenazim follow traditonalism and see this as a continuation of
pre-existing practice. Thus, either A or B behaves like a Minhag

AIUI the nafka mina is that B might not be as "repealable" as A

Shana Tova
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