[Avodah] YT Sheini Shell Golah and the Internet

Richard Wolpoe rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Wed Sep 9 21:13:51 PDT 2009

On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 12:37 AM, Ben Waxman <ben1456 at zahav.net.il> wrote:

>  Or think about how easy it would be to send out incorrect messages, get
> an email rumor started, make a false web* *site, etc.
> Ben

   - There is no foolproof system
   - The cheshash is 1% of the concern for dishonest witnesses etc. as
   documented in the Talmud itself.
   - It could be broadcast on satelite TV etc.
   - Phone sqauds could be set up
   - Passsword protected websites

I'm not against YT Sheini. The idea that we have always done it that way
doesn't cut it when the circumstances have radically changed

The SA said without orchim in shuls, better NOT TO say Qiddush even though
Ran says to say it even w/o orchim. Most shtiebels follow this change!

This is not about Reform, this about investigation and svara.
If you want to say let's KEEP YT Sheini - Davka  lehotzi mileiv hareformers
Fine! so it is now a taqqama to discredit Reform.  That has some logic to


Shana Tova - A Good New Year 5770
RabbiRichWolpoe at Gmail.com
see: http://nishmablog.blogspot.com/
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