[Avodah] YT Sheini Vs. YT Rishon

rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Thu Sep 3 17:09:21 PDT 2009

AFAIK - It's fairly axiomatic that WRT meis, YT Sheini is like chol,
but in general YT Sheini has virtually all the same dinim of YT Rishon.

There is an early source allowing for dancing on Simchas Torah - davka
because it is ONLY YT Sheini [IIRC this is Rav Hai Gaon]

I just saw Rambam MT Hilchos Lulav 8:9 that states befeirush that various
p"sullim due to Mumim etc. Are waved on YT Sheini and on. Touger quotes
the Ro"sh saying that YT sheini is the same legabei this p'sullim.

Anyone have more resources re: when YT sheini behaves diffrently than
YT Rishon?

Shana Tova
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