[Avodah] Laughing at one who does a mitzvah

kennethgmiller at juno.com kennethgmiller at juno.com
Mon Aug 31 20:03:39 PDT 2009

This evening I was reminded of a halacha in Kitzur Shulchan Aruch (15:5) that one should not answer Kaddish too loudly, because people might laugh at him for this, and he'd thereby be causing them to sin. (Mishne Brurah 56:5 says the same thing.)

I soon found myself recalling other examples which support or go against this idea: One may wear shoes on Tisha B'Av, if one walks among non-Jews who would laugh at us. (Rama 554:17 and Mishne Brurah 554:34) But in contrast, the very first Rama in Orach Chaim 1:1 tells us, "Don't be embarrassed by people who laugh at someone for his Avodas Hashem."

How can we reconcile these ideas?

If the halacha had said that one should not answer Kaddish too loudly because it disturbs the kavana of other people, I would understand that. But merely because they are laughing? I don't get it.

If halacha does not want non-Jews to laugh at the barefoot Jews because it is some sort of Chilul HaShaym, there ought to be a lot of other halachos which are similarly waived in such circumstances. And in any event, how is the Rama in 554:17 consistent with the Rama in 1:1?

If anyone can suggest any distinctions between these examples, I'd love to hear it. (It's possible that my confusion is caused by my translating several different words ("mal'igim", "yislotz'tzu") in the same way ("laugh"), and a more careful distinction would reveal differences.)

Alternatively, if someone has no explanation, but does have other examples, that could help. Where else does the halacha talk about things that one should be careful about even if others will laugh, or that one should be careful about *unless* others will laugh?


Akiva Miller

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