[Avodah] Kashrus of a Restaurant Under the Supervision of its Owner

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Tue Aug 18 13:25:03 PDT 2009

Ben Waxman wrote:
> Were the Orthodox world to go by the guidelines that the AhS gives in
> this siman, many if not most of the questions of "can I eat that
> person's food" would disappear. Of course it would all depend on how
> one defines a khashud b'zman hazeh. Is someone who eats heter mikhira
> a khasud for someone who holds that the heter is invalid? Same question
> for someone who uses khalav akum, and no doubt there are plenty of other
> points like these.

This is a settled question -- these are all variations on the case of
the Bnei Rhenus, who were known to eat what we hold to be chelev
de'oraita.  Because they relied on a legitimate minority opinion, the
SA says one may eat at their homes, from their fleishige kelim, relying
on stam kelim einan bnei yoman.  Obviously one could not eat a dish that
might contain this chelev, but one could eat other meat.  Kol shekein
someone who follows a legitimate opinion permitting an issur derabbanan.

Zev Sero                      The trouble with socialism is that you
zev at sero.name                 eventually run out of other people’s money
                                                     - Margaret Thatcher

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