[Avodah] At the time of the 2nd Beis Hamikdosh...

SBA sba at sba2.com
Thu Jul 30 05:18:27 PDT 2009

Bizman shebeis hamikdosh [hasheni] hoyo kayem..
(how) did Jews commemorate Tisha B'Av?
Since first sending this out to some on my email list a few days ago,
I have received the following replies;

 * I don't think they did.

* there are two opinions whether the Jews fasted on 9 av - the rambam says
they did  the tashbatz says no 

* the same way they did during beth rishon - so methinks

* The Gemoro in Taanis says that they fasted.

* "Ochlin veshosin umishtakrin" - Eicha Rabba / MA 652

* Ayen Sefas Emes al Shas - RH 18

*  Peirush Hamishna leRambam RH 1:3:  Tisha B'Av they fasted - but the other
taneisim was up to them.

* Look at Mishnayos Rosh Hashonoh Perek 1 Mishnsh 3 and the Meforshim there

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