[Avodah] best v. worst;

harveybenton at yahoo.com harveybenton at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 16 16:35:48 PDT 2009

The best that can happen in the short term is that the person won't drive to a treif restaurant, followed by driving to a movie (halavai it was "only" a movie they were driving to) and then driving home. All the while doing many many other issurei d'oraisa.

Spending time at a shabbat meal even in the short term provides a mechanism to have less chillul shabbos.

hb: according to this reasoning, if someone is going out to eat a cheesburger (not on shabbas) one should instead go out and purchase treif meat for him, put cheese on it, and then have him/her make a bracha on it; one could then say........"at least he'll be making a bracha on the food" 
what happened to the entire concept of "mitzva ha'ba b'aveira"???h

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