[Avodah] Saying vaYechulu alone

Esther and Aryeh Frimer frimera at zahav.net.il
Mon Jul 6 22:34:26 PDT 2009

Rav Shlomo Pick cites Hazon Ish, OH siman 38 that even a Yachid can say vaYekhulu, contrary to Mishna Berura.  But he notes [in a beautiful stroke of beki'ut] that Meiri in his introduction to Beit haBehira  also indicates that vaYekhulu is Eidut which is why we stand [see: p. 11 of Makhon haTalmud haYisraeli - R. Shmuel Dickman edition, s.v. veAhar she-hitba'er].

I think that Rav Pick is being a bit too literal in his reading of the Rishonim in this regard.  What the Hazon Ish is saying is that these Rishonim maintain that reciting vaYekhulu is LIKE giving eidut. Our observing Shabbat, our saying vaYekhulu is like bearing witness that Hashem is the creator.  It is symbolic - not literal.   If it were real testimony, it could not be given at night, together with relatives and other Pesulim, women would be exempt, we would need a bona fide Bet Din listening etc.  Since it is not REAL testimony the Hazon Ish maintains that as a Hovat haYahid it can be said by individuals.  But nevertheless the minhag of standing raffirms the testimony symbolism of vaYekhulu - but it is only a minhag, not din and certainly not me'akev.  

The Sefer haManhig in Hilkhot Shabbat says that saying Kiddush is also Eidut.  [That is the source of those who stand.]   Does that mean one can't say it sitting? that women are exempt {they are explicitly obligated}, that one can't say it in the presence of family.  Of course not!  It is symbolic - not literal.

Prof Aryeh A. Frimer
Chemistry Dept., Bar-Ilan University
Ramat Gan 52900, ISRAEL
E-mail: FrimeA at mail.biu.ac.il
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