[Avodah] Selichos first night after chatzos

torahmike at gmail.com torahmike at gmail.com
Mon Sep 14 21:09:51 PDT 2009

Marty Bluke
> The prevalent minhag has become to say selichos right after chatzos
> on the first night of selichos. What is the makor for this? In shulchan
> aruch it says that the minhag is to get up early to say selichos. I
> didn't see anywhere a distinction between the first night and the other
> days. It is clear from the shulchan aruch and mefarshav that the best
> time to say selichos is a little before alos hashachar.?
 This web page has a concise summary of all the zmanei selichos, as well
as a reason for the distinction between motzai shabbos and the other days:

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