[Avodah] RHS and dairy

torahmike at gmail.com torahmike at gmail.com
Mon Sep 14 21:05:51 PDT 2009

>>I know this has been discussed at length in many a learned article, but I
>>still don't understand the basic point.  I thought the definition of
>>"treifah" was that the animal had suffered a disease or injury that
rendered it
>>non-viable -- that it would soon die.  If this puncture leaves the cow
>>alive, healthy, and producing milk for many years, I just don't understand
>>it could possibly be considered "treifah."

  If I remember correctly, RHS explained to me that whether we go by the
science of the times to determine
if the animal would have lived through the year, or whether we go strictly
according to the simanim of trefus that we have
a kabbalah on,  is a machlokes rishonim between the Rashba and the Rambam.
Apparently the dairy cows, after shechita,
almost all show the halachic signs of treifus.

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