[Avodah] YT Sheini Vs. YT Rishon
T613K at aol.com
T613K at aol.com
Thu Sep 10 22:51:17 PDT 2009
In Avodah Digest, Vol 26, Issue 181 dated 9/8/2009
From: Allan Engel _allan.engel at gmail.com_ (mailto:allan.engel at gmail.com)
Sefardi poskim hold that the first day of aveilus is Mide'oraiso, so if a
levayo is held on Yom Tov Sheni, the mourning of the aveilim would override
the Yom Tov which is Miderabonnon.
R' Wolpoe asked:
> <Anyone have more resources re: when YT sheini behaves diffrently than
> YT Rishon?
Taking medicine.
--Toby Katz
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