[Avodah] who is to blame??; re:moshe rabeinu and Eretz Yisrael????

T613K at aol.com T613K at aol.com
Thu Sep 10 23:10:34 PDT 2009

In Avodah Digest, Vol 26, Issue 182 dated 9/9/2009

From:  Harvey Benton <harveybenton at yahoo.com>

>>  When Moshe hit the rock twice, Hashem told him explicitly that he would 
not  enter eretz yisrael because he failed to Glorify Hashem through his  

However, later on, in Devarim, Moshe blames Bnei Yisrael for  Moshe's not 
going into Eretz Yisrael.?? Why the change in explanation???   <<
It was B'Y's fault that Moshe lost his temper.  If they hadn't  provoked 
him he never would have hit the rock.
--Toby  Katz

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