[Avodah] prozbul
Micha Berger
micha at aishdas.org
Thu Sep 18 14:24:51 PDT 2008
On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 06:25:26PM +0300, Eli Turkel wrote:
: Question #1 : What is the connection between the gemara in Gittin and
: the Mishna. i.e. what does giving the debt to bet din accomplish especially
: according to Rava...
Machloqes Rashi and Tosafos what Raba is saying -- is he answering the
question on Abayei, or disagreeing with Abayei's peshat and giving a
new answer the the original question?
Rashi: Rava is answering the same question as Abayei. Shemita is deOraisa,
and Hillel invoked hefqer BD hefqer to circumvent shemittah altogether.
Tosafos: Rava is defending Abayei. Shemitah is deRabbanan. (Perhaps we can
say pruzbul is sufficient lezeikher for the deOraisa.) And Hillel didn't
need a BD gadol mimenu bechokhmah uveminyan than AKhG because he didn't
pasqen against them, he used hefqer BD hefqer. Implied in Tosafos is that
Hillel would not have even found such a loophole if it were a deOraisa.
If the mechanism is hefqer BD hefqer, how would the details of the
mechanism for getting the loan to BD be me'aqeiv?
(I again recommend my notes at
http://www.aishdas.org/asp/2007/09/shemittah.shtml where I discuss this
3 tier machloqes (Rashi-Tosafos; maybe Abayei-Rava; Rebbe-Chakhamim)
the topic of whether shemittah is deOraisa (Ramban) deRabbanan (Rashi,
Tosafos) or not even that (Meiri), and a whole bunch of other things --
way too much for Rafi to have fit into a bar mitzvah derashah. Even
cut down, he ran long.)
Tir'u baTov!
Micha Berger It is a glorious thing to be indifferent to
micha at aishdas.org suffering, but only to one's own suffering.
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