[Avodah] saying tehillim
kennethgmiller at juno.com
kennethgmiller at juno.com
Wed Sep 17 13:23:38 PDT 2008
R' Eli Turkel wrote:
> As an aside it is generally recognized that kabbalat shabbat
> should be said before sunset but many communities dont make it
> on time
I'm glad you wrote "should" instead of "must". Given that Kabalas Shabbos was a recent addition of the sort that began this thread, it is difficult to say that there's any real requirement to say Kabalas Shabbos at all. The next step -- very much in line with the other examples of this thread -- is to acknowledge Tircha D'Tzibura.
I'd like to combine those two thoughts and suggest that some communities accepted the idea of saying Kabalas Shabbos, but only "al tnai" that it be okay to say it after Shabbos has already begun -- to insist on saying it earlier would be too much of an imposition on people who need every minute of Erev Shabbos Prep Time that they can get.
R' Micha Berger wrote:
> The minyan should be performing tosefes Shabbos when they
> say "Mizmor shir leyom haShabbos", so it must be as RET says.
> A consequence: If the minyan is late, then Shabbos began
> before Lekha Dodi, so aveilim can't be greated with HaMaqom
> Yenacheim.
What's wrong with beginning Shabbos (i.e., personally acepting Shabbos upon oneself) and *then* starting L'chu N'ranenah?
Please note that the Mishneh Brurah in both 261:31 and 342:1 says that the recital of Lecha Dodi constitutes Kabalas Shabbos, but in 287:3 he allows the tzibur to say Hamakom Yenachem as long as they haven't yet said Mizmor Shir L'Yom HaShabos.
This sounds to me like the MB is contradicting himself, but I'd like to suggest this explanation: Note that "Hamakom Yenachem" is not really assur even on Shabbos itself. Chazal wanted to forbid it, but they reluctantly ["b'koshi hetiru"] allowed it, with a strong preference for "Shabos Hee Milinachem..." Also note the MB 261:31, where he explains that in the time of the Magen Avraham, Mizmor Shir and Barchu were not said together, but were separated by a period of time during which melacha was *allowed*. (That's not a typo: See MB 261:31, that melacha was allowed even after saying Mizmor Shir L'Yom Hashabos, provided that they did not yet say Barchu, and also provided of course that it was not yet Bein Hashmashos.)
Perhaps these two ideas can be combined to say that although the MB begins Shabbos at Boee Kallah for *most* halachos, he allows "Hamakom Yenachem" for a few more seconds, until Mizmor Shir, when "Shabbos Hee Milinachem" becomes preferable.
Akiva Miller
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