[Avodah] kenignaot

SBA sba at sba2.com
Wed Aug 13 05:35:13 PDT 2008

From: T613K at aol.com
From: "Simon Krysl" _skrysl at gmail.com_ (mailto:skrysl at gmail.com) 
>>I am writing in the hope for a possible insight on perhaps a  technical - 
But to me no less perplexing - question. The Kitzur Shulkhan  Arukh (126.4),
based on Magen Avraham 224.3, prohibits attending "animal  shows" presented
by goyim, as well as dances and other joyful occasions, as  moshavei leicim.
R. Avrohom Davis translates "kenignaot" as "animal shows...( in the text of
the Kitzur itself?) in the Hebrew explicates kenignaot as  "ceid hayot",
that is, hunts. (I do not find any etymology or explanation of  the word
"kenignaot" elsewhere.) <<
I will make a guess -- that "kenig" is the  Yiddish word for "king" and that

what is being referred to here is the kind of  "animal show" that would be
put  on for kings, for example, some kind of  tournament  or staged combat
where knights on horses joust in an arena,  with one of them ending up dead.


Nice pshetl, but I doubt that Chazal used Yiddish or even German...

The meaning is definitely hunts/hunting. I found it listed in Aruch Hashalem
(Kahut), under KNG (vol 7 p 132).

Here are a few sources: Bava Basra 74b, Chulin 60b, AZ 18b, 
Breshis Rabba 33;32, Vayikra Rabba 13.


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