[Avodah] TIDE and Austritt

David Riceman driceman at att.net
Sun Jul 27 17:48:51 PDT 2008

T613K at aol.com wrote:
> TK:  It was the Gemeinde O's who did wrong originally in the 19th 
> c. by not accepting the authority of the Rav of their community, who 
> was also one of the Gedolei Hador, Rav Hirsch.
I am neither a Western European nor a historian.  Nonetheless, I thought 
that a lot of Rabbi Hirsch's problems stemmed precisely from his not 
being the rav of the community of Frankfort, but instead the rav of a 
group of people who wished to secede from that community.  People do 
this regularly nowadays, but I thought that the loopholes permitting 
this were not well respected in Germany prior to Rabbi Hirsch (in 
Eastern Europe the hassidim had already provided a plethora of precedent).

David Riceman

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