[Avodah] TIDE and Austritt
T613K at aol.com
T613K at aol.com
Fri Jul 11 11:19:17 PDT 2008
RMB: >>Does TIDE necessitate Austritt, or are they two ideas emerging from
the same mind?
TK: Torah necessitates austritt.<<
RMB: >>For that matter, what challenges the supremacy of Torah?
NCSY's anthem closes with the words "see what it means /
that Torah reigns supreme!" And yet they are the product of RYBS's
kelapei chutz / kelapei fenim dichotomy.<<
TK: Where do you see that NCSY is "the product of RYBS's
kelapei chutz / kelapei fenim dichotomy"?! Does NCSY have joint activities
with non-O youth groups?!
RMB: >>To repeat my question, which I feel you left unanswered both in this
and when RRW asked the question at length: In what way does a Protestant
who studied for the clergy (Friedrich Schiller) not dispute the supremacy
of Torah, but when Jews get together to do so, or even shomerei Torah
umitzvos who are simply willing to get together with those who do so,
it is? What makes R further from Torah than trinitarian Xianity?<<
TK: You asked this question of R' Shmuel Svarc and I look forward to seeing
his answer, but I will say that Schiller was an open Christian and did not
claim to be a Jew. Had he claimed to be a Jew, and to have a correct
understanding of Judaism, it would certainly be assur to give him the time of day, or
to read his books in anything other than two-fisted "dah ma lehashiv" mode.
It is also my understanding that Hirsch did not advocate studying
Christianity or Christian theology -- and that Schiller was a philosopher, not a
theologian. Reading a book of philosophy is akin to reading a book of science or
medicine. (In fact the distinction between philosophy and science was not a
clear one at all before the 20th century.) Is there anyone at all who would
refuse to read a medical textbook because its author happened to be a Reform
Jew or a non-Jew? Anyone?
RMB: >>There is clearly no problem pulling DE from a tainted source, since a
trinitarian is far from supporting Torah.<<
TK: That is correct. Chachma bagoyim ta'amin, Torah bagoyim al ta'amin.
We don't read them for their theology, we do read them for their secular
RMB: :> Would the Austritt community not use records of who is a Tay Sachs
:> because the population was tested under a Federation program?
RSS: No. But if they had to recognize that the Federation was the
: standard-bearer, blah blah blah, then yes. They would set up their own.
RMB: I don't know what you're inserting between your no and your yes, but
1- Lemaaseh, multiple small registries is pointless; you wouldn't know
about too many carriers that way; and
2- The fact that you can have a conditional "yes" is already non-Austritt.
TK: Austritt deals with the possible. Hirsch himself did not withdraw from
the general community until he was legally and practically able to do so. A
Jew in the Gemeinde community /before/ Hirsch came to Frankfurt would not
have had a personal obligation to withdraw and become a hermit if there was no
other alternative.
RMB: >>If Austritt applied today it would mean shunning the OU and RCA
and avoiding functions where the O rabbi belonged to the SCA or some
still-existing parallel. Even political lobbying. Possibly not even giving
credance to the OU hechsher until they renounce RYBS's SCA responsum.<<
TK: It is obvious that in today's terms austritt has a different, maybe
less radical, application. Maybe you can come up with a different word.
Actually there are some O rabbis who really /should/ be shunned by all O rabbis --
"CLAL" comes to mind. But it doesn't happen. America really doesn't have
the official, legal communal framework that they had in Frankfurt (and
elsewhere in Europe). So Austritt here couldn't take the same form even if we wanted
it to.
RMB: >>Now, on to the third question... Can the American-style chareidi be
to be living TiDE whether he acknowledges it or not?....
It is relevant because RnTK said she believes that most of the Torah
world today is TiDE, they just don't know it. If they do, it's not TiDE
as RSRH formulated the idea.<<
TK: It is DEFINITELY not TIDE as Hirsch envisioned it!
It is merely a series of ad hoc accommodations that demonstrate conclusively
that TIDE /in some form/ is necessary. Unconscious sort-of TIDE merely
proves what a terrible pity it is that Hirsch is not more widely read and
RMB: RnTK is willing to state what RSRH believed based on the assumption
position was identical to Hirsch's. That's impossible....However,
here it is in her own words (Apr 30th, v25n127):
> How I know what he would have thought about this or that is that RSRH
> was an ehrlicher Yid who followed da'as Torah (which I am defining as
> "the consensus of what most Torah leaders think and teach").
> Also my father channeled Hirsch and is probably sitting with him right
> now in Gan Eden.
That doesn't replace actually studying RSRH.
TK: No two people think exactly alike, even a rebbe and his closest talmid.
Kesheim she'ein partzufeihem domos, ein dei'oseihem domos. So to say that
"RNB's position was identical to Hirsch's" is indeed, ridiculous and
impossible. The particular question we discussed at that time was whether Hirsch
would have applied his austritt philosophy to the State of Israel, and would
therefore have adopted the Neturei Karta position. I remain absolutely 100%
certain that he would not have been NK but would have been straight Aguda RW
frum on this particular question.
--Toby Katz
President Reagan talked with the Soviets while pushing ahead with the
deployment of Cruise and Pershing missiles in Europe. He spoke softly — after
getting himself a bigger stick. --Mark Steyn
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