[Avodah] mixed singing
Rabbi Y. H. Henkin
henkin at 012.net.il
Sat Jul 12 06:55:10 PDT 2008
[Micha, quoting my notes: -mi]
"The SE offers as a possible source: Megillah 23a forbids giving women
aliyos because of kavod hatzibur, not qol ishah."
See Sefer haMeorot to Berachot 45a and Rabbeinu Manoach to Hilchot
Berachot 5:7; both write that women may not read the Torah because of
kevod hatzibbur "but there is no pritzuta." Cited in my Understanding
Tzniut, p. 74, and see Bnei Banim 4:8 "Kol Isha beNiggun Taamei haMikra"
which I wrote to the Nishmat Avraham.
Yehuda Henkin
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