[Avodah] the cohen gadol and marriage to a pubescent girl
Yitzhak Grossman
celejar at gmail.com
Wed Jul 2 16:32:29 PDT 2008
On Tue, 1 Jul 2008 09:53:23 -0400
Micha Berger <micha at aishdas.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 12:15:21PM +0300, Yaacov Shulman wrote:
> : I have adapted as a working principle the idea that "darkei noam"--"ways of
> : pleasantness"--constitutes an essential dynamic in Torah...
> But what does it mean? Obviously not that it's okay to avoid hurting
> grandma's feelings if she asks you to drive over on Shabbos.
> Derakheha darkhei no'am is descriptive, not prescriptive. Perhaps if a
It is obviously *sometimes* prescriptive; the Gemara (Yevamos 87b, and
see Tosfos ibid. 2a s.v. V'Ahos Ishto) proposes a Kal V'Homer arguing
that a woman whose husband had a live descendant at the time of his
death who subsequently died should return to Zikas Yibum. and
then refutes it by citing the verse: "D'racheha darchei noam v'chol
n'sivoseha shalom".
> -Micha
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