[Avodah] induction cooking
kennethgmiller at juno.com
kennethgmiller at juno.com
Thu Sep 25 19:19:31 PDT 2008
R' Micha Berger wrote:
> given that the flame isn't visible, is a blech needed
> altogether, or is ketima effectively done by the
> mechanics of how the food is heated?
> IOW, is ketimah covering the flame, or not having a
> flame to see?
> My take from the gemara is in the case where there is no
> flame to see as too low or high and therefore no chance
> of panic to stoke it, requiring any form of blech is
> already above the minimum of the din.
If I understand you correctly, you would not require a blech on a hot plate or crock pot, because no flame is visible in those devices.
But the Shmiras Shabbos K'Hilchasa 1:24 says that an electric stove needs a blech even if the heating elements are not visible. And Rav Shimon Eider pg 340 says that if a hotplate has adjustable controls, those controls need to be taped down or covered before Shabbos.
You can't see the fire, but it *is* possible to see that the food is not yet cooked well enough, and be tempted to adjust the setting.
Akiva Miller
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