[Avodah] bat mitzva "bo bayom"
T613K at aol.com
T613K at aol.com
Tue Sep 16 12:40:15 PDT 2008
From: "Rich, Joel" _JRich at sibson.com_ (mailto:JRich at sibson.com)
>>See Yam shel shlomo Bava Kamma 7:37 (ein lcha seuda gdola mizeh) on the
day he becomes a chiyuv.<<
From: "Michael Kopinsky" _mkopinsky at gmail.com_ (mailto:mkopinsky at gmail.com)
>>The same can be said about a siyum. Just because some guy says the names of
Rav Pappa's sons we get to party, and have meat during the 9 days? (Or eat
on erev pesach?)
Rather, it's clear that a seudas mitzvah is warranted for a significant
milestone or accomplishment. The poskim have said a bar mitzvah is
significant enough for that, and I don't see why a bat mitzvah would be any
There is a difference between an "accomplishment" and a "milestone." Having
a siyum marks an accomplishment -- there was something you had to do.
Having a birthday is a milestone. There are many milestones that go unmarked.
For instance, the day a woman gives birth to a baby is a huge milestone for
her, guaranteed to be remembered for the rest of her life. But there is no
se'uda associated with it. She can make a se'udas hoda'ah if she wants but most
people don't. I suppose the party made for a bar or bas mitzva could be
se'udas hoda'ah or if the boy makes a siyum it could be a se'udas mitzva.
RJR quoted the "Yam shel shlomo Bava Kamma 7:37 (ein lcha seuda gdola
mizeh)." The same logic would seem to apply equally to a bas mitzva, yet there
never was any such thing as a bas mitzva celebration until the
Reconstructionists and then the Reform came up with it.
I find it highly ironic that we are noch-shleppers to the Reform movement in
this, that today most charedim make a party for their 12-year-old girls and
don't even know where the idea of a bas mitzva party came from. Not that
there's anything wrong with that, to quote Jerry Seinfeld.
AFAIK even the bar mitzva celebration is a relatively recent innovation.
IIRC in MOAG it says that R' Yakov Kaminetsky did not have any kind of
celebration for his bar mitzva. He was a young boy away at yeshiva far from home and
maybe the Rosh Yeshiva wished him mazal tov on his birthday. Maybe he got an
aliyah. Did anybody even drink a lechaim? Probably not. I think that was
pretty common.
--Toby Katz
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