[Avodah] Reciting l'Dovid Hashem Ori...

kennethgmiller at juno.com kennethgmiller at juno.com
Mon Sep 15 20:06:03 PDT 2008

I asked what possible objections there might be to saying this Tehillim.

R' Joel Rich answered:
> Some (e.g. R'YBS iiuc) are against any changes in
> nusach/matbea hatfila, even "non-objectionable" changes.
> There's also the issue of tircha dtzibbura (why not add
> parshat haman, sheis zchirot, asseret hadibrot...)

and R' David Riceman gave a very similar response.

I hope this doesn't sound sarcastic, but where do such people draw the line? What consitutes "THE" unchangeable nusach? Do they omit Aleinu? Shir Shel Yom? Lamnatzeach? Do they allow a long tachanun on Mon/Thu?

(Before anyone responds by writing "Yes!! In my community we *never* say such-and-such!!", please make sure to read the next paragraph.)

My guess is that there is no posek or minhag who has a clear cutoff point to describe which additions they say and which they don't. Rather, I suspect, each addition was judged on its own merits: "Will this community appreciate this proposal and benefit from it, or will they consider it to be a burden?" And thusly, some were added to the local nusach and others were not. If I am correct, then this is what I was referring to in my post, when I wrote that
> It is also quite possible that in some communities the
> minhag simply didn't "catch on" and become popular.

Akiva Miller

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