[Avodah] Shofar During Elul

Cantor Wolberg cantorwolberg at cox.net
Tue Sep 2 03:38:17 PDT 2008

There's an interesting halacha that one does not blow the Shofar  
during Elul if he did not daven with a minyan. (S'U Tzitz Eliezer  


The reason we hear the shofar during Elul is to wake us up to  
rectifying the wrongs we have done towards others and living a  
righteous life.
It's easy to be a tzaddik when we're davening alone or when we're  
learning by ourselves.
However, the biggest challenge is to live a righteous life in the  
context of a minyan and showing ahavas chinam to the minyan and not to  
one or two others.

The wake up call therefore makes sense in the context of a minyan, and  
hopefully by the time the yomim noraim arrive, we'll connect the echo of
the Elul shofar sounds to the majestic sounds of the Yomim Noraim.

Kol tuv.


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