[Avodah] [Areivim] secular studies
Doron Beckerman
beck072 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 14 12:24:32 PDT 2008
First let me state that I found that Rav Wolbe in Alei Shur vol. 2 page
612 states matter-of-factly that both opinions are talking about someone
who is Torasu Umnuso. So, I retract my concession. :) But, on to the
issues raised.
> So, your insistance that only the highest level is relevant is not at all
> what Nefesh HaChaim says.
I insisted nothing of the sort. I said that he must be thinking in Eisek
HaTorah, and I stated openly that this does not necessarily mean horeving
over a Ketzos.
> Also, it would mean that no Jewish person could become a doctor, and
> we know that during the time of Rav Yishmael there were Jewish doctors,
> so it obviously couldn't be his meaning.
It would mean that someone not planning on training himself in utilizing
his Kochos Keihim, or not a genius who is able to multi-focus, should
perhaps choose another profession according to the Nefesh Hachaim.
Look, it is in any event crystal clear from the Nefesh Hachaim that he
is talking about someone, within Rabbi Yishmael, who is going to spend
the barest minimum time possible, K'dei Chayav Mamash, in pursuit of
a livelihood and not more. I think that militates strongly in favor of
my initial contention that he is agreeing with the SA Harav, and that
people not planning on the route to Torah greatness have nobody talking
to them in this Gemara.
That's how the SA Harav paskens in any event, that there is the level
of the Rabbi Yishmael people and the level of the people who won't be
great in Torah who can spend the bulk of their time in their Melachah,
be Koveia Ittim and support Torah study with their money.
> But if the doctor says a prayer before hand; learns the topic to the
> best of his ability, does it with the intention of keeping VeRafo Yerapeh
> - then all his actions are taken to be acts of Torah.
That's true, but that's not the Nefesh Hachaim's Rabbi Yishmael.
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