[Avodah] money and halakhah
Yitzhak Grossman
celejar at gmail.com
Tue Jul 22 16:28:19 PDT 2008
On Tue, 22 Jul 2008 00:04:33 -0400
"Richard Wolpoe" <rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 13, 2008 at 8:17 AM, Marty Bluke <marty.bluke at gmail.com> wrote:
> > This issue of paper (fiat) money comes up in Hilchos Ribis. The gemara
> > in Eizehu Neshech has an issur of lending and returning commodities.
> > The poskim discuss whether banknotes or considered money or
> > commodities. All of the modern day seforim on Ribis ( the most famous
> > probably being the Bris Yehuda) quote the teshuvos Chasam Sofer that
> > paper money is considered money and therefore there is no problem of
> > sa'ah bsa'ah. In fact, they say that even those poskim who disagreed
> > in the 19th century, would agree today because there is no "real"
> > money today at all. The Chazon Ish in Hilchos Ribis agress with this
> > as does the Aruch Hashulchan (I just saw it a week ago and now can't
> > find it, if anyone can give me the exact reference in the Aruch
> > Hashulchan I would greatly appreciate it).
> >
> When I first posted this tangent, I was anticipating a serious Halachic
> discussion! Can you furnish more details as to the location of the sources?
> E.g. where is the Chasam Sofer, the CI etc.
All citations are from my notes; I have not verified most of them.
Hasam Sofer: Resp. YD 134 (cited in Pis'hei Teshuvah HM 95:1, and see
Likutei He'aros to this responsum), EH 126, HM 153 and 187
See also: Resp. Oneg Yom Tov 102, Resp. Har Zvi YD 244, Erech Shai HM
203, Dinei Mammonos (Bazri) Vol. I p. 30, Resp. Sha'arei Ezra 2:126,
Resp. Heshiv Moshe 55, Bris Yehudah Ch. 18 n. 10, Resp. Beis Shlomo HM
70, Aruch Ha'Shulhan HM 66:9 (and 95:1), Nahal Yitzhak 66:10, Resp.
Z'kan Aharon 1:98, Resp. Maharsham 2:100 (and 2:34), Resp. Imrei Yosher
2:185 (and 2:147, and his Minhas Pittim YD 305:3), Hachmas Shlomo HM
beginning of 292 and end of 74, Resp. Ha'elef L'cha Shlomo HM 6, Siddur
Derech Ha'Haim Pidyon Ha'Ben 8 (but see the editors note to the Bnei
Brak 5747 edition, arguing the passage is an editor's interpolation, and
was not written by R. Ya'akov M'Lisa), Nishmas Haim 117, Resp. Hesed
L'Avraham Vol. I YD 95.
> RabbiRichWolpoe at Gmail.com
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