[Avodah] Kohanim in Cars in Cemeteries
kennethgmiller at juno.com
kennethgmiller at juno.com
Mon Jul 21 13:08:07 PDT 2008
R' Joshua Meisner asked:
> Acc. to Ch. 21, Tzamid p'sil (which would be negated by an
> open window) only works by k'lei cheres or, by extension,
> keilim that are not m'kablin tum'a at all. Hence, this
> would not work for most cars, except perhaps the ones that
> are made of plastic.
I vaguely recall hearing a long time ago, that cars are not mekabel tumah, because they are not keilim, because they are too large. Despite being movable, it still counts as a binyan. I think the shiur was 40 seah. Or so my memory says.
Akiva Miller
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