[Avodah] Geirut

Arie Folger afolger at aishdas.org
Mon Aug 18 11:57:54 PDT 2008

On Monday, 18. August 2008 17.35:52 avodah-request at lists.aishdas.org wrote:
> R'n CL (on Areivim):
> If kabalas ol mitzvos is an intrinsic requirement for giyor, then it could
> not be done for a minor, because a minor does not have daas, and hence is
> not capable of kabalas ol mitzvos.

Not necessarily. It would mean that the da'at of Beit Din stands en lieu of 
the qatan's da'at, just like beit din can appoint an apotropos who is 
qualified to make decisions requiring da'at en lieu of the minor orphans.

Alternatively, it may be that qabalat 'ol mitzvot is a requirement similar to 
the obligation to bring an 'olah scarifice upon converting: when impossible 
it need not be done. Bringing the sacrifice is impossible when the Beit 
haMiqdash isn't standing, having da'at is impossible for a qatan.

Arie Folger

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