[Avodah] Kos Shel Bracha

Moshe Y. Gluck mgluck at gmail.com
Sun Jun 17 20:42:34 PDT 2007

R' Akiva Miller:
Someone was sitting with his family at their Shabbos seudah, 
remembered to do this mitzvah d'Oraisa of praising Shabbos with 
words, and raised his cup (perhaps of wine, perhaps of schnapps, 
perhaps of beer, probably not of water), and declared "Baruch Hashem 
for giving us the holy Shabbos!", or something like that. The idea 
caught on, and eventually became ritualized, formalized, and 
legislated into the Mitzvah D'Rabanan of Kiddush Al HaKos which we 
know today.

I once heard a Rav say, "It means a lot more when you say it with a cup of


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