[Avodah] zeicher/zecher

Arie Folger afolger at aishdas.org
Tue Jun 12 04:29:30 PDT 2007

Reb Reuven Koss wrote:
> yes- but even R'CV says that it could be like the M"R. (ulai bziknuso
> chazar bo). The M"R was a  talmid after R'CV. If this is what the Gra held
> later on, then this would lechora be the ikkar shitas hagaon.

For Rav Mordechai Breuer (source: personal conversation), RCV was merely 
softening his criticism of the MR, offering a limud zekhut.

One more point: I am less interested in the legitimacy of the MR's pposition 
than in the fact that neither the MR nor RCV knew of a theory of rereading 
the word zekher/zeikher.

Regarding your question of
> why would  only the Perushim be justified in following the M"R.

Let me stress that this was Rav Mordechai Breuer's statement, and his reason 
was that nobody was initially convinced by the MR. Only once the double 
reading habit spread did people begin to consider the MR, as well.

Kind regards,
Arie Folger

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