[Avodah] kashrus of milk

T613K at aol.com T613K at aol.com
Sat Jun 2 22:41:37 PDT 2007

RMB wrote on 5/24/2007 (sorry I am just catching up on back issues after  
trip to Israel):
>>In Chazal's day, fewer animals were fed artificial mixes, and no  one
farmed in such bulk, so it was very rare. But in their day, DA [Displaced  
Abomasum] would
simply have killed the cow. What makes them baalos mum  is the surgery
now performed to save them. <<

This is an embarrassingly elementary question, but maybe someone could  take 
the time to answer it anyway:  Why would surgery make an animal treif  -- if 
the surgery cured what was wrong with the animal and the animal is now  
perfectly healthy?

--Toby  Katz

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