[Avodah] shemitta

SBA areivim at sba2.com
Mon May 28 23:08:31 PDT 2007

From: "Moshe Feldman" , R Samuel Groner wrote:
> : I wouldn't know where to begin arguing with someone who believes that
> : "someone who is not very very confident that his mitsvos outweigh his
> : averiros should definitely avoid being in EY." ...
> R' Micha Berger responded:
> RSBA already cited VaYo'el Mosheh. I believe the Minchaz Elazar (R'
> Chaim Elazar Shapira, the Muncaczer Rebbe) also writes about this
> danger, and does so in more vibrant language.

> Just pointing out that the Avnei Nezer YD 454 s"k 27 - 39 disagrees
> with this.  He argues: (1) there is a mitzvah to live in E"Y, so one
> has no right to question whether he is ra'ui to live there-- b'hadei
> kavshei d'rachmana lama lach.

Methinks that your are oversimplifying/generalising and maybe even
inadvertently mistating the views of the AN.

First of all, what he actually writes is "ein lehashgiach
im hu tzadik oy lo"

This is clearly in reference to what he himself had written earlier (in
sk 24) that a person who is so 'zakai' that if all Yidden were like him - we
would have the geulah, 'mitzva al **yochid hazeh** leyshev beEY'

So regarding this earlier comment of his, he says that lav davke SUCH a
great tzaddik  - but even a person (basically a shomer Torah uMitzvos)
of a lesser level, there is no need to investigate or ensure whether he is
tzaddik enough to qualify for aliyah.

But a 'grobber baal aveireh'? Man dechar shmei??     CV to even think
that that is what the AN 'b'hadei kavshei d'rachmana lama lach'.

(The following is not referring to RMF's post - just a general comment)

It is surprising (or rather, NOT surprising...) to see, how quite a few
apologists justify (to themselves - the actual olim of course couldn't give
a toss) the 'aliyah' of the early chotim umachtiim via this teshuva of the

However, anybody who learns the teshuva at the source - without relying on
the 'quotes' of later writers -  will quickly notice that there is some
deviousness behind this. They rarely quote all the way to end of - where, in
fact, the AZ are on a number of matters similar to the conclusions of the VM
re Yishuv EY bizman haZeh.

I especially refer to his summary (p.290) 454:62:

1.  "Ikar mitzvas yeshivas EY hi bihyos lo parnoso mirevach EY...

2.  "...ein mitzvas Yishuv EY rak be'ish tzaddik she'im hoyu kol yisroel
kemoso hayu nigalim...oy beshe'al kol ponim sofek lo im ish tzaddik hu.
"Avol im shlosh eleh lo yaaseh, yetziosoy meChu'L leEY chinom ein kosef
venachas ruach beyetzi'osoy.."

4.   "...Vechol ma she'omarnu me'inyan yeshivas EY.....ubilvad sheyisyashev
shomo betoch kibbutz anoshim miyisroel hakesherim.."

5. He more or less repeats the above. Ayen shom.


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