[Avodah] Torah Study vs. other contributions to soCIETY

Samuel Svarc ssvarc at yeshivanet.com
Thu May 17 12:07:20 PDT 2007

>From: saul mashbaum <smash52 at netvision.net.il>
>>The source was the Gemara in Megillah which states that Talmud Torah is
>>indeed greater than Hatzalas Nefashos as a choice of prioritization
>I have never understood why this gemara is so often cited as a proof for
>the absolute primacy of Talmud Torah over everthing else.

I would imagine it's because this Gemora places it's importance above
hatzolas nefoshos, which we all know the importance of.

>The gemara says
>of Mordechai that "pirshu mimenu miktzat Sanhedrin" on this point, clearly
>indicating that most of the Sanhedrin essentially supported Mordechai.

You're stopping a couple of lines short. After this bringing down what the
minority did, the Gemora starts a new meimra with Omar Rav Yosef, in which,
using pesukim in Nach, the Gemora establishes that Mordechai's standing was
diminished. This is universally held, i.e. it's not a minority opinion. As
well, the Gemora uses a clear statement "Gadol TT yoser m'hatzolas n'foshas"
that is not refuted at any point in the Gemora, nor do any meforshim al
hadaf ask on this. As well, this Gemora is quoted with this understanding by
gedolie torah of previous generations.


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