[Avodah] Rabbi Isak Unna of Mannheim (was Re: Rav Unno)

Minden phminden at arcor.de
Tue May 15 00:31:39 PDT 2007

RAF wrote:

> since 1920 3rd city rabbi [probably dayan -- AF] in Mannheim

He was the Neo-Orthodox community's rabbi, but as the authorities didn't fully recognise this community, he didn't have an official pulpit function in their eyes. This was changed in 1920.

> (1924 conference rabbi of the Supreme Council [probably the Council of Jewish Communities of Germany --AF]

The Oberrat was the umbrella organisation of the Jewish communities in the Grand Duchy of Baden. (Aggev orche, it still is, in spite of the fact that the state itself long merged with the neighbouring state to the German federal land of Baden-Württemberg.) Mannheim was an exceptional case, as the de-facto separate community was officially just a shul, and part of the main community.

> about the history of the Klaus Synagogue Mannheim [probably a kind of Yekkishe shtiebel --AF

That was his community/shul. As much a shtiebel as Breuer's, Munk's or Basle's IRG before their respective chareidisation.

As an aside, if you're in Yerushelayim, you can still go to "Rav Unna's", at least for Shabbes and Yontev - this is basically his (long deceased) son's former living room in Rechavia, officially called Bet Kneset Binyan Tzion, as the Unna and the Ettlinger families are connected through Mannheim.

May I add that there can be no doubt whatsoever about Rav Unna's Orthodox position. (Personally, and I hope this makes it through moderation, I'd say he was of a personal integrity and of a typically Yekke Orthodoxy that wouldn't allow for compromises, neither with the Liberal reformers, nor with chasidists.)


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